How Should Local Churches Respond to the D211 issue?
We are proposing that leaders and members of local Evangelical churches (churches that accept that the Bible is perfect and without error) stand up with us and be witnesses to the D211 area. As God’s people we are being given a great opportunity to speak the truth. If not now, then when? Click headline to read more….
Too Fragile for Freedom
You may or may not have heard: NYC has just passed a law requiring employers and property owners to call transgendered people by their preferred pronouns such as him, her, he, she or even newly minted words such as ze, hir or Mx. People who still insist on telling the Read more…
Time to Stop Playing by the Devil’s Rules
By a New Hope Community Church staff member Is it time to bring God and the Bible back to government and public policy debates? The short answer is a resounding YES. It’s not only time – it’s long overdue. God and His wisdom never should have been excluded from public Read more…
Daily Herald Editorial Illustrates Biblical Truth
Christians believe that the Bible is the very message of God to mankind. The truth of its claims are being illustrated in increasingly more obvious ways to those who still care about truth today. Jesus said, “To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given. But for Read more…
Where Have all the Shepherds Gone?
Well, it’s official now: our girls will be getting undressed in the presence of a boy (with complete male genitalia) in the girl’s locker room at Fremd High School. The overwhelming majority of community members who showed up on both Wednesday and Monday night to beg the school board Read more…