You’ll Fit Right In!

New Hope Community Church is a congregation seeking to follow the model for the local church given to believers in the Book of Acts. If you are looking for a church where you will be personally encouraged to grow in faith, knowledge of the Bible and Christlikeness, New Hope might just be the place for you.
At New Hope Community we believe that discipleship should be more than just an idea that Christians talk about. Discipleship should be a way of life for every Christian and the main focus of any local church. The Great Commission was primarily a command to make not just believers–but disciples. Those who make New Hope their church home are encouraged to grow through one-on-one discipleship relationships. Christianity is relational at the core, and true Christian love can only exist within the context of relationships.
Because we believe the Bible is perfect in it’s message, the sermons at New Hope are not geared to entertain, but to convince, rebuke and exhort the listener with the Word of God. Most of the sermons at New Hope are preached verse by verse and with careful regard to context. You will not find a lot of pop psychology, funny stories and opinions–but clear and unapologetic explanation of the Word of God based on diligent study. If you are looking for truth, regardless of where it may lead, you will like the preaching and teaching at New Hope.
We also believe that fellowship, “the breaking of bread,” is essential to a healthy church. Therefore, many of our activities involve sharing a meal together. One of the advantages of being a smaller congregation is that we get to know one another–and at New Hope, sharing a meal together on a regular basis helps us to do so. You see this in the book of Acts, and you will see it at New Hope.
Prayer is also emphasized at New Hope. We believe that prayer expresses our dependence on God and that is why every Wednesday night we pray together. We encourage prayer at home and the elders of the church seek opportunities to pray with people in their homes. We know one another, we pray for one another, and we love one another. We try to live out the command, “Pray without ceasing.”
New Hope Community is a church seeking to be obedient to the Word of God and faithful to the New Testament model for the local church. We welcome visitors and invite you to join us for a Sunday or Wednesday night service!