Observations from the Mission Field
Acts 18: 1-28 As we work to build the kingdom we learn lessons that make us more efficient 1). The gospel is reasonable and logical 2). There comes a time when it is best to move on 3). We all have a part to play in the spread of the Read more…
The Biblical Church Forward
Acts 18:19-21 The Biblical church must minister the way the apostles did in order to get the results the apostle achieved 1). The Biblical seeks to teach correct doctrine 2). The Biblical church sees strengthening the disciples as paramount 3). The Biblical church understands ministry is spiritual in nature, not Read more…
The Church in Conflict
Acts 19:21-41 The enemies of Christ use strategies to hide the truth of the gospel, but we must overcome them. 1). The ungodly uses the love of money against truth 2). The ungodly uses notoriety against truth 3). The ungodly uses emotions to drown out truth 4). The ungodly uses Read more…
In the name of Jesus
The teaching in the name of Jesus must follow the biblical pattern of the apostles. 1). Jesus is the most precious thing we Christians have 2). Praise must always be deflected towards Jesus 3). By proclaiming the name of Jesus we are expressing our faith in Him 4). Our preaching Read more…
The Gospel Defined
The Gospel is the most important, the most powerful fact in all history, thus all believers should understand it. 1. The Gospel rest on the resurrection of the dead 2. The Gospel has the power to save the worse of people 3. The Gospel has the ability to Read more…
In the name of Jesus Christ
Those preaching in the name of Jesus must follow the biblical pattern of the apostles 1). Jesus is the most precious thing we Christians have 2). Praise must always be deflected towards Jesus 3). By proclaiming the name of Jesus we are expressing our faith in Him 4). Our Read more…